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Metering Panel

A panel meter is an instrument that displays an input signal in either a digital or analog form. Many panel meters also include alarm options as well as the ability to connect and transfer data to a computer.

VFD Control Panel

The VFD Panel (Variable Frequency drive panel) also known as VFD Control Panel are designed to control the speed of the electric motor and feed pump. They are widely used in drilling, pumping and other large machine applications like Conveyor and Compressor.

Junction Box

A junction box is an electrical enclosure that houses one or more wiring connections. The box protects the connections, which usually contain vulnerable points such as wire splices, from environmental conditions and accidental contact

Power Distribution Panel

Distribution panel is a module of an electricity supply system which divides an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits, while providing a protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit, in a common enclosure. Main switch and residual current Breakers with overcurrent protection will also be incorporated.


These LCS boxes are specially designed for use in heavy industries. Special care is taken in designing cover & gasket making them truly industrial.


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A Hindu Enterprises


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